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join and sort data in mongodb php

I need to sort data by joined collections field. I can do that in mysql like that:

SELECT A.name, B.address
FROM user as A
JOIN user_details as B
WHERE A.status=1
ORDER BY B.modifiedDate DESC

but How can i do that in MongoDB?



id      name    status  created_at
1      Shail    1   2/16/2017 6:40
2      Paras    1   2/16/2017 5:40


id    address   uid modifiedDate
1     Addres1   1   2/16/2017 10:40
2     Addres2   2   2/16/2017 10:35

Expected Result:

id  name    modifiedDate
1   Paras   2/16/2017 10:35
2   Shail   2/16/2017 10:40


I have tried to do that in MongoDB by using Aggregate Frameworks Like that :

                "$match": {
                  "status": 1
                "$lookup": {
                  "from": "user_details",
                  "localField": "uid",
                  "foreignField": "id",
                  "as": "userdetails"
                "$unwind": "userdetails"
                "$sort": {
                  "$userdetails.modifiedDate": 1,
                  "posts": 1

        **ERROR :**

        > Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MongoResultException' with message
        > ' FieldPath field names may not start with '$'.' 

Try this query.

Changes -

$lookup to switch the local field and foreign field.

$unwind to include $ reference.

$sort to remove the $ reference.

    "$match": {
        "status": 1
 }, {
    "$lookup": {
        "from": "user_details",
        "localField": "id",
        "foreignField": "uid",
        "as": "userdetails"
 }, {
    "$unwind": "$userdetails"
 }, {
    "$sort": {
        "userdetails.modifiedDate": 1

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