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onObjectPicked is never called on Rajawali

I'm using the following code to display an OBJ model and I need to move it according to user gestures, however the onObjectPicked() is never called, just the onNoObjectPicked() .

What is wrong? And can I detect clicks on specific parts of my model?

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;

import org.rajawali3d.Object3D;
import org.rajawali3d.cameras.Camera;
import org.rajawali3d.lights.DirectionalLight;
import org.rajawali3d.loader.LoaderOBJ;
import org.rajawali3d.loader.ParsingException;
import org.rajawali3d.materials.textures.TextureManager;
import org.rajawali3d.math.Matrix4;
import org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3;
import org.rajawali3d.renderer.Renderer;
import org.rajawali3d.util.GLU;
import org.rajawali3d.util.ObjectColorPicker;
import org.rajawali3d.util.OnObjectPickedListener;

import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;

 * Created by juliano on 2/15/2017.

public class CarRenderer extends Renderer implements OnObjectPickedListener {
    public Context mContext;

    private Camera mCamera;
    private Object3D mSelectedObject;
    private ObjectColorPicker mPicker;
    private Matrix4 mViewMatrix;
    private Matrix4 mProjectionMatrix;
    private int[] mViewport;
    private double[] mNearPos4;
    private double[] mFarPos4;
    private Vector3 mNearPos;
    private Vector3 mFarPos;
    private Vector3 mNewObjPos;

    public CarRenderer(Context context) {
        mContext = context;

    protected void initScene() {

        DirectionalLight key = new DirectionalLight(-8, 8, 8);
        key.setPosition(new Vector3(8,8,8));

        mCamera = getCurrentCamera();
        mCamera.setPosition(12, 12, 12);

        mViewport = new int[] { 0, 0, getViewportWidth(), getViewportHeight() };
        mViewMatrix = getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix();
        mProjectionMatrix = getCurrentCamera().getProjectionMatrix();
        mNearPos4 = new double[4];
        mFarPos4 = new double[4];
        mNearPos = new Vector3();
        mFarPos = new Vector3();
        mNewObjPos = new Vector3();

        try {
            mPicker = new ObjectColorPicker(this);

            LoaderOBJ parser = new LoaderOBJ(mContext.getResources(), TextureManager.getInstance(), R.raw.ferrari_obj);

            Object3D o = parser.getParsedObject();

        } catch (ParsingException e) {


    public void onRenderSurfaceSizeChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
        super.onRenderSurfaceSizeChanged(gl, width, height);
        mViewport[2] = getViewportWidth();
        mViewport[3] = getViewportHeight();
        mViewMatrix = getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix();
        mProjectionMatrix = getCurrentCamera().getProjectionMatrix();

    public void onOffsetsChanged(float xOffset, float yOffset, float xOffsetStep, float yOffsetStep, int xPixelOffset, int yPixelOffset) {


    @Override //This method moves the camera using direct touch events. Tracking a flick and turning it into a procedural animation for smoothing
    public void onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) {

    public void onObjectPicked(@NonNull Object3D object) {
        mSelectedObject = object;

    public void onNoObjectPicked() {
        Log.d("CarRenderer", "No object picked");

    public void getObjectAt(float x, float y) {
        mPicker.getObjectAt(x, y);

    public void moveSelectedObject(float x, float y) {
        if (mSelectedObject == null)

        // -- unproject the screen coordinate (2D) to the camera's near plane

        GLU.gluUnProject(x, getViewportHeight() - y, 0, mViewMatrix.getDoubleValues(), 0,
                mProjectionMatrix.getDoubleValues(), 0, mViewport, 0, mNearPos4, 0);

        // -- unproject the screen coordinate (2D) to the camera's far plane

        GLU.gluUnProject(x, getViewportHeight() - y, 1.f, mViewMatrix.getDoubleValues(), 0,
                mProjectionMatrix.getDoubleValues(), 0, mViewport, 0, mFarPos4, 0);

        // -- transform 4D coordinates (x, y, z, w) to 3D (x, y, z) by dividing
        // each coordinate (x, y, z) by w.

        mNearPos.setAll(mNearPos4[0] / mNearPos4[3], mNearPos4[1]
                / mNearPos4[3], mNearPos4[2] / mNearPos4[3]);
        mFarPos.setAll(mFarPos4[0] / mFarPos4[3],
                mFarPos4[1] / mFarPos4[3], mFarPos4[2] / mFarPos4[3]);

        // -- now get the coordinates for the selected object

        double factor = (Math.abs(mSelectedObject.getZ()) + mNearPos.z)
                / (getCurrentCamera().getFarPlane() - getCurrentCamera()



    public void stopMovingSelectedObject() {
        mSelectedObject = null;

Also add the method that is called from the activity when the touch event was fired:

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return super.onTouchEvent(event);

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