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Search CSV file with python with if statements

I've been trying to search my csv file in python which works so that it outputs the cost of each item etc. But if a wrong GTIN code is input i need it to say it can't find the product. Help is needed. Many Thanks in advance

import csv

with open('PriceList.csv') as csvfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
GTINcode = []
Products = []
Quantitys = []
PricePu = []
Totals = []
for row in readCSV:
    Product = row[1]
    GTIN = row[0]
    Quantity = row[2]
    Total = row[4]
    Price = row[3]

whatColor = input('Enter the GTIN code of the product you wish:')
coldex = GTINcode.index(whatColor)
theDate = Products[coldex]
info = Quantitys[coldex]
ppi = PricePu[coldex]
tts = Totals[coldex]

print('Your GTIN code of:',whatColor,'is',theDate,"We have",info,"left in      stock. The price for each item is",ppi,"and the total cost of this would be",tts)

You need a try and except if the value looked for does not exist. As well as a while loop to keep on trying!

import csv

with open('PriceList.csv') as csvfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
GTINcode = []
Products = []
Quantitys = []
PricePu = []
Totals = []
for row in readCSV:
    Product = row[1]
    GTIN = row[0]
    Quantity = row[2]
    Total = row[4]
    Price = row[3]

error = True
while error:
    whatColor = input('Enter the GTIN code of the product you wish:')
        coldex = GTINcode.index(whatColor)
        error = False
        theDate = Products[coldex]
        info = Quantitys[coldex]
        ppi = PricePu[coldex]
        tts = Totals[coldex]
        print('Your GTIN code of:',whatColor,'is',theDate,"We have",info,"left in      stock. The price for each item is",ppi,"and the total cost of this would be",tts)
    except ValueError:
        print('This is not a valid GTIN code')

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