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Using a variable in a Blogger JSON-LD template

I'm refering to the question JSON-LD: Using data:post.body in Blogger template .

Surprisingly, <data:post.body> can be used in the meantime. But now I have a new problem: How to eliminate tags, linefeeds and special characters and replace characters like ' and " ?

I found something in the kind of the following instead of directly write JSON-LD code, but it does not work:

<script type='text/javascript'>
  var thisDdoesNotWork = removeHtmlTags_And_ChangeSomeCharacters("<data:post.body/>");
  var el = document.createElement('script');
  el.type = 'application/ld+json';
  el.text = JSON.stringify({

Someone an idea?

Firstly render the content somewhere in the HTML via

<div class='post-body'>

Then, change your code as follows -

el.text = JSON.stringify({

You can also use innerText property (Refer to this question to know the difference between innerText and textContent )

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