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OS X Yosemite - no styles at emacs welcome screen

I have been installed emacs 25.1 on OS X Yosemite.

brew cask install emacs

Welcome screen looks like:


But must be similar to


So no styles, no pictures.

What am I missing?


brew install emacs --with-cocoa

Gives the same result.

This behaviour appears to be triggered by the size of the start up screen.

Making the initial start up screen bigger triggers the "fancy splash screen" for me:

emacs -geometry 80x48

Or instead add something to the .emacs file...

;; initial window
(setq initial-frame-alist
 '((width . 202) ; character
  (height . 60) ; lines

;; default/subsequent window
(setq default-frame-alist
 '((width . 202) ; character
  (height . 60) ; lines

(See https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FrameSize for more details.)

Alternatively, adjust the function which decides what kind of start up screen to display as described here: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/20976/x11-why-is-the-emacs-logo-image-missing-on-the-welcome-screen

尝试brew install emacs --with-cocoabrew info emacs以获得更多选项),或点击默认生成Cocoa版本的其他公式,例如emacs-plus

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