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How can I open up rmarkdown script in rstudio

I try to write a report using rmarkdown, but I have tried all the methods to download the lastest version rmarkdown package. When I try to open up the rmarkdown script, it shows that

Required version package could not be found: rmarkdown 1.2 is required but 1.1 is available Check that getOption("repos") refers to CRAN repository that contains the needed package versions.

Some of the code I have tried:


And my R version is 3.3.2 and my rstudio is already the lastest version now, which I think might be the problem coming from.

I am glad the problem being solved! Instead of keep trying installing packages, I updated my cran URL to cran.project. And learnt some function of adding repos, thank you all! The code follows as :

local({r <- getOption("repos"); r["CRAN"] <- "https://cran.r-project.org/"; options(repos = r)})

This is a total reach, but I've been teaching R and RStudio and have seen this happen a lot!

Make sure the Markdown file you're creating has extension ".Rmd"

Many of my students have named their Markdown files something like "Foo.Rproj".

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