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Binary search tree. Pointer as reference parameter

So I am working on Binary search tree function. Why do I have to add a &sign in front of the node pointer? I thought it is already a pointer and it already points to a location. I understand that if I add a node, then I need to make sure the parent node point to the new node or the parent's node will still point to NULL. But why don't I have to do that if I pass my node pointer as node*&?

bool bst::remove123(int data, node*& x)
if (x == NULL)
    return false;
else if (x->getData() < data)
    return remove123(data, x->right);
else if (x->getData() > data)
    return remove123(data, x->left);
    node* old = x;
    if (x->left == NULL)
        x = x->right;
    else if (x->right == NULL)
        x = x->left;
        replacement(old, x->left);
    delete old;
    return true;

Thank you

node*& x is a reference to a node* . This means that when bst::remove123 modifies x to point to a different address, the code that called bst::remove123 sees the same change in the node* variable that it passed to the method. If you declared the x parameter as node *x instead, then bst::remove123 would only be modifying a copy of the variable passed in that parameter, and those changes would be lost after the method returned. While the & is used to designate a reference, this is very different to the & operator (often used with pointers) which returns the address of the variable following it.

int n = 10;
int *pn = &n; // Create a pointer to int, set it to the address of n.
int& rn = n; // Create an int reference, set it to reference the same variable as n.

*pn = 5; // Set n to 5 via a dereferenced pn. A dereferencing operator *
         // is needed to indicate that we want to change the memory that
         // pn points to, not the address that the pointer contains.

rn = 20; // Set n to 20 via the reference rn. Unlike with pointers,
         // references do not use a dereferencing operator.

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