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Can clang static analyzer (scan-build) be used with cmake --build?

I'd like to use the clang static analyzer command line tool scan-build with the convenience of cmake --build .

Most of the resources I found online seem to indicate you need a two-step process:

scan-build cmake .
scan-build make

For example for this small example program with a bug that scan-build catches:

#include <iostream>

int fun() {
    int x;
    return x; # main.cpp:5:5: warning: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller


int main() {
    int a = fun();

    std::cout << "Hello, World! " << a << std::endl;

CMakeLists.txt :

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)


set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
add_executable(test_program ${SOURCE_FILES})

If I run scan-build cmake --build cmake-build-release/ it does not find the bug, even though the binary is built. Is there anyway to get scan-build to work in a one step process with CMake?

If you want to use the Clang Static Analyzer, you should just set CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=YES . This will create a compilation database that CSA can read. You don't even need to build your project. The file is located at: /path/to/build/compile_commands.json .

scan-build is designed for projects that can't create a compilation database themselves.

Then you can run:

analyze-build --cdb /path/to/build/compile_commands.json \
              --use-analyzer /path/to/clang \
              --output /path/to/output

It's worth noting that clang-tidy has all of the CSA checks now. You can use this same compilation database technique to run clang-tidy on your codebase.

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