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Service fabric communication by RPC with metadata

In the API Gateway app I set to request traceId. Then over HTTP pass it to my stateless service. But service should call another service by RPC (using IServiceRemotingListener ). How can I pass that traceId to other service?

I've done so far (according to this ):

public interface ICommunicationService : IService
    Task<string> FooAsync();

public class Stateless1 : StatelessService, ICommunicationService 
    protected override IEnumerable<ServiceInstanceListener> CreateServiceInstanceListeners() 
        return new[] { new ServiceInstanceListener(c => this.CreateServiceRemotingListener(c)) };

    public Task<string> FooAsync()
        return Task.FromResult("TraceId: " + TraceId);

and trying to use it:

ICommunicationService service = ServiceProxy.Create<ICommunicationService>(new Uri("fabric:/App/Stateless1"));

string message = await service.FooAsync();

How can I pass that TraceId to other service b RPC?

You can only use methods in SF remoting. Change the property into a method GetCorrelationId that returns it as Task of int . And add a method:

Task SetCorrelationId( int id){} 

Or preferably , generate it on the caller and pass it as part of the message argument to 'FooAsync' which is better, because it keeps the service stateless.

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