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Update a particular field in ES 2.4.0 document?

I have document like this

               "College": "UCLA",
               "University": "American",
               "Branch": "MECH",
               "Name": {
                  "first": "john",
                  "middle": "william",
                  "last": "Richards"

I have to update the last field in Name group

I tried with the following but it is showing error

POST alma/matter/1/_update
  "doc": { "Name.last": "junior" }


   "error": {
      "root_cause": [
            "type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
            "reason": "Field name [Name.last] cannot contain '.'"
      "type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
      "reason": "Field name [Name.last] cannot contain '.'"
   "status": 400

You're not allowed to reference fields with dots in them. You can do it like this instead:

POST alma/matter/1/_update
  "doc": { "Name": {"last": "junior" }}

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