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Difficulty handling Promises in javascript

Hi can someone take a look at my code? I am implementing authentication on a back end I am building as a side project to improve my understanding of JavaScript.

I'm not sure why the promise from a mongoose find is returning undefined.

I have two functions I need help with. One is a help function which will be passed to a controller.

 import db from '../models';
 import bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
 import validateLogin from '../validations/login';
 import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
 const loginController = {};

 loginController.login = function(req,res){
     validateLogin(req.body).then(({isValid, errors }) => {
     // isValid is undefined here
     // This is the problem
             // give token
              success: true,
             token: 'here is your token'
       } else {
   }).catch(err =>{

export default loginController;

The other is the controller function itself that will issuse a token depending on whether the helper function returns a valid or not response.

  import validator from 'validator';
  import db from '../models';
  import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
  import bcrypt from 'bcrypt';

  function validateLogin(data){
      const {  userInput, password } = data;
      const errors = {};
         errors.userInput = 'username is required';
         errors.password = 'password is required';
      return db.User.find({$or:[{ username: userInput }, { email: userInput }]}).then(existingUser =>{
         if(existingUser.length > 0){
            // User exists, check if password matches hash
            const user = existingUser[0];
            bcrypt.compare(password, user.password_digest).then(valid => {
                  errors.password = 'Invalid Password';
               console.log('from prmomise');
               return {
                  isValid: isEmpty(errors),
             }).catch(err => console.log(err));
          } else {
             errors.userInput = 'username or email does not exist';
             return {
                isValid: isEmpty(errors),

   export default validateLogin

It looks like a return is missing for the bcrypt call:

return bcrypt.compare(password, user.password_digest).then(valid => {
    // password check and returning result object
}).catch(err => console.log(err));

Without it your validateLogin function eventually returns a promise that resolves to undefined .

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