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Eclipse doesn't see classes from target/generated-sources

I have a solution with multiple projects(maven parent pom and a couple of child maven projects). Some of the projects are just a maven project that generates classes from wsdl or xsd using xjc-schema maven plugin. The plugin generates the classes in target/generated-sources folder. Now the other projects in the solution has to use the generated classes but eclipse doesn't recognize the generated classes.

Intellij Idea has no problem with that, it can recognize the generated classes, but I want to use Eclipse.

I tried that with Eclipse Neon and Spring Tool Suite based on Neon.

I tried to refresh, restart etc. with no success. Also tried to add the project with the generated classes to Java Build Path -> Projects of the project that has to use those classes.


Also make sure the output folder is correctly set on the java build path. If Contains Test Sources is set to Yes , the generated classes will not be detectable from your main classes.


In case that you are already seeing target/generated-sources/... as a source folder in Eclipse but the IDE is still unaware of the generated classes, go to Configure Build Path... and check that there is no Exclusion Pattern set. This was causing the problem in my case.

I had a problem with the setting the target/generated-sources as source folder. I had a subfolder with generated classes, and but target/generated-sources set as source folder. Eclipse didn't read the subfolder, though. I removed the target/generated-sources and added the target/generated-sources/<subfolder> and it worked.

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