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Create a drop down from values in a database with PHP in a WordPress page

I multiple forms on various pages of a WordPress site that all have the same drop down menu. Rather than update all the values in every select each time they change, I have created a table in my WordPress database that is populated with the source names. I am attempting to use PHP in the WordPress pages in order to display the drop down, but am encountering issues. Below is the code I am using for the drop down within the HTML form on the various pages.


echo "<select id=\"source\" style=\"max-width: 165px;\" name=\"source\">";
echo "<option value=\"\">Please select...</option>";
global $wpdb;
$wp_source = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_source;");

foreach($wp_source as $table){
echo "<option value=\"" . $table->name . "\">" . $table->name . "</option>";

echo "<option id=\"other\" value=\"other\">Other</option>";
echo "</select>";


The table name is wp_source and I am using a Plugin named Exec-PHP which allows a user to utilize PHP within WordPress posts/pages/widgets/etc. What I am seeing in my drop down is the following text: name."\\">".$table->name." Any assistance you might offer would be greatly appreciated.

I did something like this using Javascript. Pass your data into the function and create an array called wp_source.

list = document.getElementById("source"); 
for (i=0; i < wp_source.length; ++i)
     option = document.createElement("option");
     option.text = numbers[i];

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