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Injecting Spring Context into Non-spring Class

I'm relatively new to Java and coming from a web background I found myself trying to implement a web application in Spring.

The main problem is I have the following folder structure: 在此处输入图片说明

And I am trying to inject Spring context into any class found in the Controllers folder, which basically, as far as I understood means that my classes are not Spring-dependant.

The application uses MongoDB as a backend, and I am trying to instantinate the context like this:

WebApplicationContext context = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext();

IODataInterface mongo = context.getBean(BookModel.class);

I'm getting this exception on the context.getBean(...) line: com.web.spring.Controllers.DemoController.DemoController(DemoController.java:19)

Any help is appreciated and I'd be really glad if someone could properly explain me the actual terminology as, you might have guessed already, I have jumped into some pretty advanced stuff for someone with 0 Java work experience.

Full exception stack:

org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException

And as far as I see, the context seems to get created, but the getBean() doesn't work. I'm really confused now.

You seem to be trying to get an instance of a model class (annotated by @Document I imagine, since you're using MongoDb). @Document and JPA @Entity annotated classes are actually not Spring Beans.

So to instantiate a new one you can just use new BookModel() .

PS. as an aside, please adopt a low case package/folder naming convention. Only class names should start with a capital letter.

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