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FOSRestBundle—create singular route

I am creating a RESTFul application using the FOSRestBundle (2.0) for Symfony3. I have a Controller like so:

class GroupsController extends FOSRestController
  public function getGroupAction($id) { … }
  public function getGroupAddAction() { … }

running bin/console debug:router gives:

get_group            GET      ANY      ajax.localhost.dev    /groups/{id}
get_group_add        GET      ANY      ajax.localhost.dev    /group/add

But getting a single Group is the request for a single Item, so the route should be: [GET] /group/{id} , in my opinion.

Am I wrong with that? Should the correct route, to get a single group be plural?

So if my opinion is right, how can I change this single route manually? I have tried:

   * @NamePrefix("group")
  public function getGroupAction() { … }

But that results in an Error telling me, that I can use that annotation only for the Class, not the method.

Yes it should be plural.

If you want to have singular-routes, you can use this in your controller. You can find it in the Symfony documentation .

 * @RouteResource("User", pluralize=false)

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