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How to singularize route path part using FOSRestBundle

I have this controller (a snippet here)

 * Class UserController
 * @package Belka\AuthBundle\Controller
class UserController extends FOSRestController implements ClassResourceInterface
     * @View()
     * @Route(requirements={"user"="\w+"})
     * @ParamConverter("user", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
    public function postGlobaltokenAction(User $user)

that automatically generates the route:

  post_user_globaltoken      POST     ANY      ANY    /api/users/{user}/globaltokens.{_format}  

which is OK, except for the fact I would like "globaltoken" singularized. Is that possible? I cannot find any annotation to tweak this. Should I hardcode the route in my route.yml ?

I've found two ways:

Using a personal Inflector

as Symfony's documentation suggests, you can register a personal Inflector which returns "globaltoken" always as singular, whereas all the other resources will be pluralized:

use Doctrine\Common\Util\Inflector;
use FOS\RestBundle\Util\Inflector\DoctrineInflector;
use FOS\RestBundle\Util\Inflector\InflectorInterface;

 * Inflector class
class NoopInflector extends DoctrineInflector implements InflectorInterface
    public function pluralize($word)
        if($word == "globaltoken")
            return $word;

        return parent::pluralize($word);


      class: Belka\AuthBundle\Util\NoopInflector

but I found this way a bit dirty, as I could need the plural form in the future.

Overriding the FOSRestBundle auto-generated routes

It's that simple! Just add the @Route annotation on the right methos and you're done!

 * @View()
 * @Route("/users/{user}/globaltoken", defaults={"_format" = "json"}, requirements={"user"="\w+"})
 * @ParamConverter("user", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
public function postAction(User $user)

Now if I call php app/console debug:route I get what I want:

post_user_globaltoken      POST     ANY      ANY    /api/users/{user}/globaltoken.{_format} 

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