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Can't install Nokogiri or boot rails server

I can't boot up my Rails server or install a gem. I'm not sure if I screwed something up with permissions but these are the errors I'm getting.

When I try to boot up the server I get this error message:

/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:315:in `to_specs': 

Could not find 'nokogiri' (>= 1.5.9) among 267 total gem(s) (Gem::LoadError)
Checked in 'GEM_PATH=/Users/GrandsonBoom/.gem/ruby/2.2.0:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0:/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0', execute `gem env` for more information

from /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1311:in `block in activate_dependencies'
from /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1300:in `each'
from /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1300:in `activate_dependencies'
from /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1282:in `activate'
from /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1314:in `block in activate_dependencies'

I tried to install Nokogiri with gem install nokogiri and got this message:

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
Permission denied @ rb_sysopen 
- /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/nokogiri-

Then I tried sudo gem install nokogiri and got:

ERROR:  Error installing nokogiri:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20170225-28081-15v8ezo.rb extconf.rb
checking if the C compiler accepts ... yes
checking if the C compiler accepts -Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future... no
Building nokogiri using packaged libraries.
Using mini_portile version 2.1.0
checking for iconv.h... yes
checking for gzdopen() in -lz... yes
checking for iconv using --with-opt-* flags... yes

Building Nokogiri with a packaged version of libxml2-2.9.4.

Team Nokogiri will keep on doing their best to provide security
updates in a timely manner, but if this is a concern for you and want
to use the system library instead; abort this installation process and
reinstall nokogiri as follows:

gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries

If you are using Bundler, tell it to use the option:

bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
bundle install

Note, however, that nokogiri is not fully compatible with arbitrary
versions of libxml2 provided by OS/package vendors.
Extracting libxml2-2.9.4.tar.gz into tmp/x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0/ports/libxml2/2.9.4... OK
Running 'configure' for libxml2 2.9.4... OK
Running 'compile' for libxml2 2.9.4... ERROR, review '/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/nokogiri-' to see what happened. Last lines are:
unsigned short* in = (unsigned short*) inb;
encoding.c:815:27: warning: cast from 'unsigned char *' to 'unsigned short *' increases required alignment from 1 to 2 [-Wcast-align]
unsigned short* out = (unsigned short*) outb;
4 warnings generated.
CC       error.lo
CC       parserInternals.lo
CC       parser.lo
CC       tree.lo
CC       hash.lo
CC       list.lo
CC       xmlIO.lo
xmlIO.c:1450:52: error: use of undeclared identifier 'LZMA_OK'
ret =  (__libxml2_xzclose((xzFile) context) == LZMA_OK ) ? 0 : -1;
1 error generated.
make[2]: *** [xmlIO.lo] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more details.  You may
need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:
  /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/mini_portile2-2.1.0/lib/mini_portile2/mini_portile.rb:366:in `block in execute': Failed tocomplete compile task (RuntimeError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/mini_portile2-2.1.0/lib/mini_portile2/mini_portile.rb:337:in `chdir'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/mini_portile2-2.1.0/lib/mini_portile2/mini_portile.rb:337:in `execute'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/mini_portile2-2.1.0/lib/mini_portile2/mini_portile.rb:111:in `compile'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/mini_portile2-2.1.0/lib/mini_portile2/mini_portile.rb:150:in `cook'
from extconf.rb:364:in `block (2 levels) in process_recipe'
from extconf.rb:257:in `block in chdir_for_build'
from extconf.rb:256:in `chdir'
from extconf.rb:256:in `chdir_for_build'
from extconf.rb:363:in `block in process_recipe'
from extconf.rb:262:in `tap'
from extconf.rb:262:in `process_recipe'
from extconf.rb:547:in `<main>'

extconf failed, exit code 1

Gem files will remain installed in /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/nokogiri- for inspection.
Results logged to /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/extensions/x86_64-darwin-14/2.2.0/nokogiri-

Here is my Ruby environment too:

RubyGems Environment:
- RUBY VERSION: 2.2.3 (2015-08-18 patchlevel 173) [x86_64-darwin14]
- INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0
- RUBY EXECUTABLE: /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/ruby
- EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /usr/local/bin
- SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: /Users/GrandsonBoom/.gem/specs
- SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIRECTORY: /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/etc
- ruby
- x86_64-darwin-14
 - /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0
 - /Users/GrandsonBoom/.gem/ruby/2.2.0
 - /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0
 - :update_sources => true
 - :verbose => true
 - :backtrace => false
 - :bulk_threshold => 1000
 - "gem" => "--no-rdoc --no-ri"
 - https://rubygems.org/
 - /usr/local/bin
 - /usr/bin
 - /bin
 - /usr/sbin
 - /sbin
 - /usr/local/git/bin

Try with:

sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev

And check here:


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