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Wamp Server error - php

I setup Wamp Server in D:/ Driver not C:/ Driver and i created a folder inside WWW Folder with the name of php_course and inside it i created php file named test.php and when i tried to run the php file using localhost/www/php_course/test.php

this problem appeared the problem image Should i setup Wamp in C:/ or change something in Wamp settings ?


First, where did you installed WAMP has nothing to do with your problem :)

The error 404 that you see means that server is not able to find what you are looking for at the specified path.

localhost is referring to www folder.

Then if you want to make request to your test.php which is in php_course folder you should simply call it like this:


No need of specifying www in the path because actually localhost is referring to www folder(with default WAMP configuration).

For example if you put file test.php in www folder you will do a request to this file like this:


That's it. Have fun with WAMP :)

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