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Running Concourse CI on Kubernetes

Is there any ways to deploy Concourse (both worker and web parts) via Kubernetes? I faced an issue with docker push:

cb1e3aeea39c: Waiting
5dd685fa9d71: Waiting
8a88c6d1419d: Mounted from wodby/php
b37b676c40b5: Mounted from wodby/php
af413e3ea009: Mounted from wodby/php
d142daee8ef2: Mounted from wodby/php
5dd685fa9d71: Mounted from wodby/php
94a8fa70651c: Mounted from wodby/php
cb1e3aeea39c: Mounted from wodby/php
e6ceb8011e49: Mounted from wodby/php
4e86b94d038f: Mounted from wodby/php
dca58c4a8ccb: Mounted from wodby/php
998dedad47e8: Mounted from wodby/php
2bd72896c2d4: Mounted from wodby/php
aa71ffb881e9: Mounted from wodby/php
7cbcbac42c44: Mounted from wodby/php
received unexpected HTTP status: 504 Gateway Time-out

So I wonder is it bug or limitation?

Related Github issues:

Copying coffeepac's answer (Helm) to this question here as it is probably the most canonical response particularly for somebody who can't get it working otherwise, and it is super light-weight:

If you are running helm in your cluster, there is a chart for deploying concourse to kubernetes: github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/concourse

This chart is in the stable repository. Potentially volatile charts are in incubator.

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