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Why does JPA seem to be persisting java.util.Date() 12 hours in advance

There are several variations of this question, but I am struggling to discover a solution to my problem.

I have a JPA, Eclipselink & MySQL based application. When a record is added or updated in a specific table an "Updated" date field is set to now by using new java.util.Date().

This is the field on my entity class:

@Column(name = "Updated", unique = false, nullable = true)
private Date updated;

It is set simply like this:

record.setUpdated(new Date());

For some reason the dates set in the database always seems to be 12 hours ahead of now?

I have considered AM/PM conversions, timezone issues and checked server times, but all seems ok.

Apologies if this is simple but I am a bit lost!


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