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web2py How to add id to submit_button

In my html file, I'm adding two forms, each with their own submit_button. I have a text input in one of the forms and want to make it required to be not blank but it doesn't seem to work...

userQueryForm = SQLFORM.factory(
    Field('userQuery', label='', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), 
    submit_button = T('Generate Report')

The html that gets rendered is as follows

<td class="w2p_fw">
    <input class="string" id="no_table_userQuery" name="userQuery" type="text" value="">
<tr id="submit_record__row">
    <td class="w2p_fl"></td>
    <td class="w2p_fw">
       <input type="submit" value="Generate Report" class="btn">

I want my <input> to have an id so i can access it in Jquery...

My ultimate goal is to not allow the form to be subitted if the text

You can access the submit button server-side DOM element via userQueryForm.custom.submit , so to add an id attribute:


Alternatively, there are other methods to access the submit button via jQuery rather than relying on an id . For example:

jQuery('input[value="Generate Report"]')

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