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When Clicking on an UISearchController, having it navigate to a new UIView Pragmatically Swift3

With the typical UISearchController, it only shows another view controller when you actually hit search. I am attempting to get another UIView to appear as soon as you click on the search bar. Any thoughts on how this could be done completely Pragmatically? I assume it can be accomplished by calling a function when UISearchController.active == true, but have yet to figure it out.

Apps that implement this sort of search function include the Ebay app and Instgram.

UISearchController has a property called searchBar. That's a UISearchBar. UISearchBar has a delegate property that should conform to the UISearchBarDelegate protocol. In that protocol there's a method searchBarShouldBeginEditing that will be called when the user begins editing in the search field. See:

Apple's documentation for searchBarShouldBeginEditing

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