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UnsupportedOperationException while building a Kotlin project in Idea

When I try to build my Kotlin project I get the following error in Idea:

Error:Kotlin: [Internal Error] org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Exception while analyzing expression at (60,19) in E:/altruix-is/src/main/kotlin/com/mycompany/myproduct/capsulecrm/CapsuleCrmSubsystem.kt:


Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: doSubstitute with no original should not be called for synthetic extension
    at org.jetbrains.kotlin.synthetic.SamAdapterFunctionsScope$MyFunctionDescriptor.doSubstitute(SamAdapterFunctionsScope.kt:165)
    at org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.FunctionDescriptorImpl$CopyConfiguration.build(FunctionDescriptorImpl.java:553)
    at org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.java.ErasedOverridabilityCondition.isOverridable(ErasedOverridabilityCondition.kt:47)

The error seems to occur in calls

res = client.execute(req)

where client is Apache HttpClient.


The source file, where this occurs can be found here .

I submitted the bug report to JetBrains, but I need to work further on the project and therefore a work around. Note that until yesterday everything worked fine. Yesterday I upgraded the Kotlin plugin to the most recent version, maybe that's the problem.

How can I avoid the error above?

Update 1 (03.03.2017 14:46 MSK):

This doesn't work:

open fun addNote(note: String, compId: Long): ValidationResult {
    val client = httpClient
    if (client == null) {
        return ValidationResult(false, "Internal error")

    var res: CloseableHttpResponse? = null
    var req: HttpUriRequest?
    try {
        req = composeAddNoteRequest(note, compId)
        res = client.execute(req)
        if (res.statusLine.statusCode != 201) {
            logger.error("addNote(note='$note', compId=$compId): Wrong status code ${res.statusLine.statusCode}")
            return ValidationResult(false, "Wrong status code (CRM interaction)")
        return ValidationResult(true, "")
    catch (throwable: Throwable) {
        logger.error("addNote(note='$note', compId=$compId)", throwable)
        return ValidationResult(false, "Database error")
    } finally {
    return ValidationResult(false, "Internal logic error")

This works (difference is in the second line from the top):

open fun addNote(note: String, compId: Long): ValidationResult {
    val client = httpClient as CloseableHttpClient // Change
    if (client == null) {
        return ValidationResult(false, "Internal error")

    var res: CloseableHttpResponse? = null
    var req: HttpUriRequest?
    try {
        req = composeAddNoteRequest(note, compId)
        res = client.execute(req)
        if (res.statusLine.statusCode != 201) {
            logger.error("addNote(note='$note', compId=$compId): Wrong status code ${res.statusLine.statusCode}")
            return ValidationResult(false, "Wrong status code (CRM interaction)")
        return ValidationResult(true, "")
    catch (throwable: Throwable) {
        logger.error("addNote(note='$note', compId=$compId)", throwable)
        return ValidationResult(false, "Database error")
    } finally {
    return ValidationResult(false, "Internal logic error")

In your example above, client.execute(req) returns HttpResponse , which is not a sub-type of CloseableHttpResponse . So, type mismatch error is correct. Either you should use CloseableHttpClient here, or cast client.execute(req) to CloseableHttpResponse .

I couldn't reproduce KotlinFrontEndException from your example. From the stack trace provided I can deduce that something wrong happened with "SAM adapters" - that is, when you use a Kotlin lambda in a Java method call that accepts single abstract method (SAM) interface. Please, file a bug here if the problem still occurs: http://kotl.in/issue

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