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resolving @Value fails when invoked from external class - spring java

In the property file (config.properties) I defined several properties:


I created a class to read these properties:

package my.package.first;

public Class MyProperties {

    @Value("${my.property.first}") private String propertyFirst;

    @Value ("${my.property.second}") private String propertySecond;

    public String getPropertyFirst() {
        return propertyFirst;

    public int getPropertySecond() {
        return propertySecond

    public MyProperties getInstance() {
        return this;

Now I want to use these properties in a class placed in some other package:

package my.otherpackage.third;

import my.property.package.first.MyProperties;
public class GetMyProperties{

    AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context  = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(MyProperties.class);

    MyProperties myProperties =context.getBean("getInstance",MyProperties.class);

    //This returns ${my.property.first}
    String propertyFirst = myProperties.getPropertyFirst();

    // This returns ${my.property.second}
    int propertySecond = context.getBeanFactory().resolveEmbeddedValue(("${my.property.first}"));

I try to solve this by using only Annotations.

I use Spring 4.


MyProperties isn't really a @Configuration class, it is a bean. Give it the annotation @Component and move the @Bean declaration to another @Configuration class. It doesn't matter where the bean is defined for spring (as long as it is in a configuration class), it'll pick it up if you have the @ComponentScan or @SpringBootApplication somewhere in your app, which I'm pretty sure you do. your MyProperties class you make @Component

You'll want:

public class MyProperties {
    @Value("${my.property.first}") private String propertyFirst;

    @Value ("${my.property.second}") private String propertySecond;

    public String getPropertyFirst() {
        return propertyFirst;

    public void setPropertyFirst(String propertyFirst){
        this.propertyFirst = propertyFirst;

    public int getPropertySecond() {
        return propertySecond

    public void setPropertySecond(String propertySecond){
        this.propertySecond= propertySecond;

public class Config {
    public MyProperties getInstance() {
        return new MyProperties();

package my.otherpackage.third;

import my.property.package.first.MyProperties;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"my"})
public class GetMyProperties{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context  = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(GetMyProperties.class);

        MyProperties myProperties =context.getBean("getInstance",MyProperties.class);

        //This returns the value of ${my.property.first}
        String propertyFirst = myProperties.getPropertyFirst();

        // This returns the value of ${my.property.second}
        int propertySecond = myProperties.getPropertySecond();

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