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(Jetbrains IDEs) Remap AceJump to IdeaVim insert mode

I'm currently switching from VIM to PhpStorm and almost everything I've been able to configure by myself and all around I'm pretty happy with VIM support in PhpStorm but there's been one thing that I couldn't figure out how to do. And that is how to remap keybinding from plugin A to plugin B. Concretely my need is to remap AceJump hotkey to space in command mode.


nnoremap <Space> :action AceAction<CR>

You can do this for the three different mappings for AceJump by adding the following to ~/.ideavimrc

nmap <Space>w :action AceAction<CR>
nmap <Space>l :action AceLineAction<CR>
nmap <Space>t :action AceTargetAction<CR>

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