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How to delete dev profile in Intellij? and Why Maven profiles in Intellij has three states?

Question 1:

Erveytime I import a maven project from existing source, Intellij create a dev profile, but there is no such a dev profile in pom.xml. Here is my profiles in pom.xml:


But, there is a dev profile shown in maven projects window:


How to delete the inexplicable dev profile?

Question 2:

All the checkbox I have seen before have two states: checked or unchecked. However, the checkbox of a profile in Intellij has three states:




What's the difference?

To answer Your first question (from my comment):

the dev profile is defined in your settings.xml .

The second question:

If the checkbox is on, then when you run a maven task from within IntelliJ, the profile is explicitly added to the mvn call with -P dev .

If you switch it off (no checkmark), it is explicitly excluded in the mvn call: -P !dev .

And in the third state (grey checkmark) no special profile argument is passed and so wether the profile is active is decided how you defined it in your config.

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