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Integration test sleuth with restTemplate

I have a running code with spring boot and spring cloud using sleuth to log the TraceId. However i have problems in call one controller from other in the integrationTest

  public class TraceIdApp {

    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        return new RestTemplate();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(TraceIdApp.class, args);


    public class TraceIdController {

    private SpanAccessor spanAccessor;
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;
    private String url;

    public TraceIdController(SpanAccessor spanAccessor, RestTemplate restTemplate,
            @Value("http://localhost:${local.server.port:${server.port:8080}}/other") String url) {
        this.spanAccessor = spanAccessor;
        this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
        this.url = url;

    @GetMapping(path = "/")
    public String handlerOne() {
        long traceId = spanAccessor.getCurrentSpan().getTraceId();
        log.info("loggin the real traceId => " + traceId);
        String response = getRestTemplate().getForObject(getUrl(), String.class);

        return "one" + response;

    @GetMapping(path = "/other")
    public String handlerOther() {
        long traceId = spanAccessor.getCurrentSpan().getTraceId();
        log.info("loggin the real traceId => " + traceId);
        return "other";

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class TraceIdAppTest {

    private SpanAccessor spanAccessor;

    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    String url;

    public void test() throws Exception {
        assertTrue("trace is wrong type", getSpanAccessor() instanceof DefaultTracer);

running on test the first i notice its that the port on url take a correct value on the test, however its value is zero on the controller. hardcoding the port didnt fix the problem.

I don't think it has anything to do with Sleuth. You're using @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) . So the port will be set at some point to the bound port. Initially it will be equal to 0, that's why you get the port with value equal to 0 injected to your controller. You can try to inject the port via a setter at a later time (sth like this https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-contract/blob/master/samples/standalone/pact/pact-http-client/src/test/java/com/example/loan/LoanApplicationServiceTests.java#L30-L36 ). In your case you should resolve the value of the port once you're sending the request or when the test is ready to run.

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