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how to parse pagination url using alamofire and swiftyjson in swift?

I have a json url that supports pagination. My question is how can i parse this paginations page with using alamofire and swiftyjson ?

my json url like :

   "data":{  },

** !!!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!!**

my code like this but i get some exception :

func GetDataFromUrl(from:String){

        Alamofire.request(from, method: .get).validate().responseJSON { response in
            switch response.result {
            case .success(let value):
                let json = JSON(value)

                self.storeData = [PopulerMagazalarData]()

                      //...Creating Data Obj.

                        let data = PopulerMagazalarData()

                        let username = json["data"]["store"]["user"]["username"].string
                        let userpic = json["data"]["store"]["user"]["profilePicture"].string
                        let productsCount = json["data"]["store"]["productsCount"].int
                        let description = json["data"]["store"]["description"].string
                        let followedby = json["data"]["store"]["user"]["counts"]["followedBy"].int
                        let totalPage = json["pagination"]["totalPages"].int
                        let count:Int? = json["data"]["products"].array?.count
                        if let ct = count {

                            for index in 0...ct-1{

                           let datas = PopulerMagazalarData()

                           let images = json["data"]["products"][index]["images"]["standart"]["url"].string

                            datas.img1 = images

                        data.username = username
                        data.profilPic = userpic
                        data.producsCount = productsCount
                        data.desc = description
                        data.followedby = followedby


                for index in 2 ... totalPage!  {

                   self.GetDataFromUrl(from: "https://api......../store/\(username!)?page=\(index)")

                                  // for refresh collecitonView

            case .failure(let error):

    //...CollectionView ReloadData func...
    func refresh_now(){

        DispatchQueue.main.async (


but when i scroll my app get down .

// make the request with Alamofire
Alamofire.request("myUrl").response { response in 

    // to create the SwiftyJSON object
    let json = JSON(data: response.data!)

    // get the values from the json response
    let code = json["meta"]["code"].int
    let total = json["pagination"]["total"].int


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