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cefsharp ExecuteScriptAsync(json) uri too long

I am using cefSharp in my winForm application. I want to pass a long json from my winform to the html page displayed by the cefSharp. I tried to write the following:

Private WithEvents m_chromeBrowser As ChromiumWebBrowser
page = New Uri("www...")
m_chromeBrowser = New ChromiumWebBrowser(page.ToString)
Dim json as String = "[{code:1,name:a,val:0},{...}....]"
m_chromeBrowser.ExecuteScriptAsync("functionName('" & json & "');")

But I keep getting the following error:

Request-URI Too Long

Do you have any idea how to pass long json from winform to browser.


Well, you would be better off exposing a .Net class to JavaScript by registering an AsyncJSObject, execute the class method from JavaScript and parse the return result.

Something like this:

public class CallbackObjectForJs {
    public string getJson() {
        return myJsonString;

... then register the class:

    new CallbackObjectForJs(), 

... and finally call the method from Javascript and use a promise to get the result:

Browser.getJson().then((result) => {
    var myJsonString = JSON.parse(result);

You can read more about it here: https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/wiki/General-Usage#3-how-do-you-expose-a-net-class-to-javascript

Hope it helps!

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