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Skip columns while converting CSV file to HTML table

I am using randomuser.me API to generate random users CSV file. Program is supposed to convert the CSV to HTML table. I am trying to skip column [0, 3, 4] to not be shown in generated HTML Table. To do this I am trying to use for-loop and if-condition . The problem is that the variable column in the loop is not an int and I cannot create condition if (int(column) == 0 and int(column) == 3 and int(column) == 4) . I would be very grateful for pointing the solution how to solve it.

import webbrowser
import csv
import sys
import requests

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Usage: project.py <htmlFile>")

url = 'https://randomuser.me/api/?results=2&format=csv&inc=name,picture'
with requests.Session() as s:
    download = s.get(url)
    decodedContent = download.content.decode('utf-8')
    csvFile = list(csv.reader(decodedContent.splitlines(), delimiter=','))

 # Create the HTML file
htmlFile = open(sys.argv[1], "w")

# Fills up HTM code
# Remove BOM from UTF-8 (wierd symbols in the beggining of table)
htmlFile.write('<html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"><head><title>Tabela</title></head><body><table>')

# Read a single row from the CSV file
for row in csvFile: 
    # Create a new row in the table
    # For each column
    for column in row: 
        if (int(column) == 0 and int(column) == 3 and int(column) == 4):
            htmlFile.write('<td>' + column + '</td>')



You can use del to remove entries from a list . So, in reverse order, just get rid of them:

for c in [4,3,0]:
    del row[c]

It's important to use reverse order, because deleting items from a list changes the numbering of everything after that item. So always go from the last to the first.

I'm not familiar with the RandomUser API you are using, but logically, I would not expect it to be possible for the following statement to be true:

int(column) == 0 and int(column) == 3 and int(column) == 4 

Can the column equal all those values at the same time? Seems unlikely. I would expect that the column would either be column 0 or column 3 or column 4.

Thank you for your help.

As Austin Hastings said, I deleted not needed columns in CSV file

for row in csvFile:
    for column in [4,3,0]:
        del row[column]

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