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gulp inject not working properly

I am using gulp inject command to add my css and js files to the html page. When I am checking the file the file are injected but when I run the html page it shows file not found and it doesn`t load the files.

This is gulp file -

var gulp = require('gulp');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var jscs = require('gulp-jscs');
var nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon');

var jsFiles =  ['*.js','src/**/*.js'];

    return gulp.src(jsFiles)
            verbose: true


    var wiredep = require('wiredep').stream;
    var inject = require('gulp-inject');
    var injectSrc = gulp.src([__dirname + '/public/css/*.css',__dirname + '/public/js/*.js'],{read: false});
    var injectOptions = {
        ignorePath: '../..public'

    var options = {
        bowerJson: require(__dirname + '/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/qs/bower.json'),
        directory: './public/lib',
        ignorePath: '../../public'

    return gulp.src('./src/views/*.html')


gulp.task('serve', ['style','inject'], function(){

    var options = {
        script: 'app.js',
        delayTime: 1,
            'PORT': 3000
        watch: jsFiles
    return nodemon(options)

This is my app.js -

var express = require('express');

var app = express();
var port = process.env.PORT || 5000;

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/src/views'));

    res.send('Hello World');
    res.send('Hello Books');
    console.log('running server on port'+ port);

But still files not getting loaded on my html page.

错误 Can anyone help me in understanding what the problem is?

Files injected in html page:


Fixed the issue.

changed the line-

var injectOptions = {
        ignorePath: '../..public'

to this-

var injectOptions = {
        ignorePath: '/public'

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