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Spring Boot ignores spring.config.name/location properties

I've got quite a simple application.yml file:

    name: android,ios,test,web


I expected to gain an ability to name config files like android.yml and put them into


as the DEFAULT_SEARCH_LOCATIONS constant from the ConfigFileApplicationListener class specifies. I created a file in the same directory with the main config:

  clientId: 0
  clientSecret: clientSecret


Then I wrote a @Configuration class with one method to get an instance of ClientDetails by the @ConfigurationProperties :

public class TrustedClientInformationConfiguration {

    @Bean(name = ANDROID)
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = ANDROID)
    public ClientDetails getAndroidClientDetails() {
        return new BaseClientDetails();


Unfortunately, after autowiring, I got the instance with unfilled fields. What have I missed?

EDIT1: I found and debugged a method where CONFIG_NAME_PROPERTY = "spring.config.name" is used (it's only one usage), the containsProperty condition always returns false :

private Set<String> getSearchNames() {
    if (this.environment.containsProperty(CONFIG_NAME_PROPERTY)) {
        return asResolvedSet(this.environment.getProperty(CONFIG_NAME_PROPERTY),
    return asResolvedSet(ConfigFileApplicationListener.this.names, DEFAULT_NAMES);

EDIT2: It is a try to create an oauth2 client configuration by moving properties to a separate file for each trusted client. They should be always instantiated despite the active profile.

The spring.config properties should be set on the command-line as they're needed before any config files are loaded.

However it looks like the feature you actually want is profiles . They're a much easier way to organise different configuration for different environments. Files can be named application-android , application-test , etc.


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