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How to rewrite this IIFE into an ES6 class?

So I have this IIFE, and for the sake of consistence with other ES6 classes I rewrote for a plugin, I also want to rewrite this into using ES6 Class syntax. Can anyone show me how to do it?

Foo = (function(){
    Foo.bar = function(a, b){
        baz = new this(a, b);

        return baz;

    function Foo(a, b){
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;

    return Foo;


It would be a simple

class Foo {
    constructor(a, b) {
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
    static bar(a, b) {
        return new this(a, b);

The function created by the IIFE can be just as well created using a plain function declaration and property assignment:

 function Foo(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } Foo.bar = function(a, b) { baz = new this(a, b); return baz; } var foo = new Foo('FooA', 'FooB'); console.log(foo.a + ':' + foo.b); var baz = Foo.bar('BazA', 'BazB'); console.log(baz.a + ':' + baz.b); 

Using the class syntax :

 class Foo { constructor(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } static bar(a, b){ baz = new this(a, b); return baz; } } var foo = new Foo('FooA','FooB'); console.log(foo.a + ':' + foo.b); var baz = Foo.bar('BazA', 'BazB'); console.log(baz.a + ':' + baz.b); 

Unfortunately I can't actually run this code as the site I'm currently on has SOE versions of Firefox and IE that don't recognise the class syntax. So please update if it's faulty.

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