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How to use es6 imports within an IIFE?

I'm trying to break up a giant JavaScript file into smaller files for easier maintainability. It looks something like this:

(function($, document, window) {
  var $htmlBody = $("html, body"),
    $body = $("body"),
    $doc = $(document),
    $loc = $(location),
    $win = $(window);


  $doc.ready(function() {
})(jQuery, document, window);

I moved all the code out into separate files and replaced each block of code with an import to that file, now the huge JS file looks like this:

(function($, document, window) {
  var $htmlBody = $("html, body"),
    $body = $("body"),
    $doc = $(document),
    $loc = $(location),
    $win = $(window);

  import "./src/account.js";
  import "./src/user.js";
  import "./src/shop.js";
  // etc etc..

  $doc.ready(function() {
})(jQuery, document, window);

When compiling this file Gulp throws the following error:

'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level

How to use imports within an immediately invoked function expression?

Technically import can be used within an IIFE. Though to achieve the expected result you can use import at the top of a <script type="module"> then pass the references to the IIFE

<script type="module">  
  import a from "./src/account.js";
  import b from "./src/user.js";
  import c from "./src/shop.js";

  (function($, document, window, a, b, c) {
    // do stuff with `a`, `b`, `c`
    var $htmlBody = $("html, body"),
    $body = $("body"),
    $doc = $(document),
    $loc = $(location),
    $win = $(window);
    $doc.ready(function() {
  })(jQuery, document, window, a, b, c);    

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