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$scope in AngularJS modal doesn't pass data into the template

I am new to AngularJS. I have created the following controller that display a list of results and that opens a modal when a specific button is clicked:

  .component('panelList', {
  templateUrl: '/panel-list/panel-list.template.html',
  controller: ['Panel', 'PanelSelection', '$scope', '$location', '$uibModal',
    function PanelListController(Panel, PanelSelection, $scope, $location, $uibModal) {

      $scope.maxAbv = 2;
      $scope.minAbv = 12;
      $scope.maxIbu = 0;
      $scope.minIbu = 100;

      this.allPanelsRetrieved = (index, before, filterParams) => {
        let allPanels = before;
        const params = Object.assign({},
          { page: index, per_page: 80 },
        Panel.query(params).$promise.then(data => {
          if (data.length > 0) {
            return this.allPanelsRetrieved(index+1, allPanels, filterParams);
          } else {
            return allPanels;
        return allPanels;

      $scope.getPanels = () => {
       const filterParams = {};
       filterParams.abv_lt = $scope.minAbv;
       filterParams.abv_gt = $scope.maxAbv;
       filterParams.ibu_lt = $scope.minIbu;
       filterParams.ibu_gt = $scope.maxIbu;
       $scope.currentPagePanels = this.allPanelsRetrieved(1,[], filterParams);

      $scope.showDetails = (panelSelected) => {
          component: "panelDetail",
          scope: $scope,
          bindToController: true,

The controller for the modal is specified here:

component('panelDetail', {
  templateUrl: '/panel-detail/panel-detail.template.html',
  controller: ['PanelSelection', '$scope','$uibModal',
    function PanelDetailController(PanelSelection, $scope, $uibModal, $uibModalInstance) {

      $scope.ok = () => {

      let panelSelected = PanelSelection.getPanelSelected();
      $scope.panel = panelSelected;
      $scope.foodPairings = panelSelected.food_pairing.join(", ");
      $scope.allIngredients = this.getFormattedIngredients(panelSelected.ingredients);
      $scope.method = this.getFormattedMethod(panelSelected.method);

      this.getFormattedIngredients = (ingredients) => {
        const listOfIngredients = [];
        Object.keys(ingredients).forEach(key => {
            for(let ingredient of ingredients[key]){
                `- ${ingredient.name} ${key} (${ingredient.amount.value} ${ingredient.amount.unit})`
                  .concat(ingredient.add != undefined ? ', added in the '+ingredient.add:'',
                    ingredient.attribute != undefined ? ', attribute: '+ingredient.attribute:'','.')
            listOfIngredients.push(`- ${ingredients[key]} ${key}.`);
        return listOfIngredients;

      $scope.getFormattedMethod = (method) => {
        const listOfMethodProcedures = [];
        Object.keys(method).forEach(key => {
            for(let methodProcedure of method[key]){
                `- ${key} at ${methodProcedure.temp.value} ${methodProcedure.temp.unit} `
                  .concat(methodProcedure.duration != undefined ? 'for '+methodProcedure.duration +' min.' : '.')
            listOfMethodProcedures.push(`- ${key}.`);
        return listOfMethodProcedures;

The modal is open correctly but the values inside are not taken from the scope, as they should, but they are displayed as {{value}}. In few words, the $scope passed doesn't act as scope. Moreover I get the following error:

TypeError: this.getFormattedIngredients is not a function at new PanelDetailController

Where the error may be? How to pass successfully a scope from one controller to another for modal?

代替scope: $scope通过使用

resolve: { scope: $scope }

You are calling the getFormattedIngredients function before it gets declared. So this is not a $scope issue. You need to declare the function before it gets called. One way to solve such an issue is going with the angular Styleguide provided by John Papa . Angular Styleguide

Assign your function at the top of your Component/Controller/Service and use function expressions instead of function declarations.

function PanelDetailController(PanelSelection, $scope, $uibModal,$uibModalInstance) {

  this.getFormattedIngredients = getFormattedIngredients;

  // You can call your function from here without getting an error 
  // Other Code..
  function getFormattedIngredients() {}

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