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Table doesn't exist with Django Chartit raw query

I'm getting a problem with Django Chartit from my views.py file because he doesn't find my table. However this table exists in my MySQL Database .

I'm using this module in order to display some graphics in my Django website and it's the first time I'm using it.

I have a table which is named Person in my Identity application like this :

class Person(models.Model):

    title = models.CharField(max_length=12,choices=TITLE_CHOICES, verbose_name='Civilité')
    young_girl_lastname = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Nom de jeune fille', blank=True)
    lastname = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Nom de famille')
    firstname = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Prénom(s)')
    sex = models.CharField(max_length=8, choices=SEX_CHOICES, verbose_name='Sexe')
    birthday = models.DateField(verbose_name='Date de naissance')
    birthcity = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Ville de naissance')
    birthcountry = CountryField(blank_label='Sélectionner un pays', verbose_name='Pays de naissance')

In my MySQL Database, I have this :

mysql> show tables ;
| Tables_in_DatasystemsEC             |
| BirthCertificate_birthcertificate   |
| Configurations_theme                |
| Identity_monthlyweatherbycity       |
| Identity_person                     |
| Mairie_mairie                       |
| Recensement_attestation_recensement |
| auth_group                          |
| auth_group_permissions              |
| auth_permission                     |
| auth_user                           |
| auth_user_groups                    |
| auth_user_user_permissions          |
| django_admin_log                    |
| django_content_type                 |
| django_migrations                   |
| django_session                      |
| log_userprofile                     |

You have Identity_person as table.

In my view, I defined a new function in order to display some statistics graphics :

def Chartview(request) :

    #Step 1: Create a DataPool with the data we want to retrieve.
    ds = \
            [{'options': {
               'source': Person.objects.raw(
                   "SELECT birthcountry, COUNT(birthcountry) as nombre FROM Person GROUP BY birthcountry")
              'terms': [

    #Step 2: Create the Chart object
    cht = Chart(
            datasource = ds,
            series_options =
                  'type': 'column',
                  'stacking': False},
                  'birthcountry': [
            chart_options =
              {'title': {
                   'text': 'Nombre de naissances par pays'},
                'xAxis': {
                    'title': {
                       'text': 'Pays de naissance'}}})

    return render(request, 'statistics.html',{'birthcountrychart': cht})

But I get this error :

(1146, "Table 'DatasystemsEC.Person' doesn't exist")

I don't understand by what I have to replace : Person.objects.raw . I tried Identity_person.objects.raw but it doesn't work.

Thank you by advance


I found another way to make my query with Django Aggregation thanks to @e4c5 and it works pretty well :

Person.objects.values('birthcountry').annotate(nombre = Count('birthcountry'))}

I think you should write your SQL as:

'source': Person.objects.raw(
               "SELECT birthcountry, COUNT(birthcountry) as nombre FROM Identity_person GROUP BY birthcountry")

Mysql table names are case sensitive on most installations. The standard django table nomenclature is appname_tablename in all lower case so your should ideally have the following in your model:

class Meta:
    db_table = 'Identity_person'

Then your raw query also should have the proper table name

SELECT birthcountry, COUNT(birthcountry) as nombre FROM Identity_person GROUP BY birthcountry

I would however argue that you should use a django aggregation instead of a raw query here.

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