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Which browsers support 307/308 redirects and how do they handle them?

307 & 308 redirects ( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7538 ) is accepted by most modern browsers.

However upon google-ing a lot, I am unable to find a list of browser versions that support 307/308 redirects. Many of the posts like: What's the deal with HTTP status code 308? simply ask if 308 redirects is supported or not.

I am aware that some older browsers don't support 307/308 redirects ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/308 ), but it's not clear which browser version doesn't.

So my question is, which browser versions support 307/308 redirects?

Also how do older browser handle this status code? Do they just fail?

As of 20 Feb 2018, not even all modern/supported browsers support it due to lack of support for IE 11 on Windows 7&8.1:

  • Fail - IE 11 (Version 11.0.9600.18893) on Windows 7. On using a 308 in a site, the browser just appears to hang and not load anything. [Edit] As of 25 July 2018, this is still failing (Version 11.0.9600.19035) - checked just in case, you know, MS decided to do the world of devs a favour.
  • Pass - IE 11 (Version 11.786.15063.0) on Windows 10
  • Pass - Edge (Version 40.15063.674.0) on Windows 10
  • Pass - Chrome (Versions 63.0.3239.132 and on Windows 7 and Mac OS 11.6 respectively
  • Pass - Opera (Version 50.0.2762.67) on Mac OS 11.6
  • Pass - Firefox (Versions 54.0.4 and 47.0.2) on Mac OS 11.6 and Windows 7 respectively
  • Pass - Safari (Version 11.0.3) on Mac OS 11.6

You can test if your browser supports 308 redirects here: http://webdbg.com/test/308/

Suggest using 301 or 307 as the current solution until IE and/or Windows 7&8.1- dies a horrible and painful death (As Microsoft are not planning on ever adding 308 support to IE on Windows 7/8.1).

[Edit 29 Jan 2020] So official support for Windows 7 ended earlier this month (on 14 Jan to be precise) and users on this platform are now being strongly encouraged to upgrade to Win10 so expect to see a precipitous drop in usage statistics .

All current browsers support 308s (AFAIU).

See https://greenbytes.de/tech/tc/httpredirects .

308 redirects were introduced just before HTTP/2. So theoretically 308 redirects are supported on all browsers that support HTTP/2 and compatibility can be detected by detecting the use of HTTP/2 or better. Obviously this only works if your web server supports HTTP/2 and you are not behind a CDN.

So what you should do is detect the server protocol. If HTTP/2 or better is being used, you can use a 308 redirect and trust that it will work as expected. Otherwise use a 307 redirect which has been around since about 1999 and is supported in all modern browsers. In practice 308 and 307 are handled the same when the request method is POST anyway, since neither is cached in that case.

If that isn't good enough, I recommended including a form in the web page body that can be used to re-submit the submitted POST variables at the new location. If the 307/308 response code is not recognized, the form will be displayed to the user and the redirect will be able to be completed manually. See RFC 2616:

The temporary URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s) , since many pre-HTTP/1.1 user agents do not understand the 307 status. Therefore, the note SHOULD contain the information necessary for a user to repeat the original request on the new URI.


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