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package does not exist erro

I get the error mentioned below when i try to run my code. What it screams for ?

The errors i get at the moment

Error:(5, 34) java: package com.fasterxml.jackson.core does not exist
Error:(8, 38) java: package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind does not exist
Error:(15, 17) java: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   class ObjectMapper
  location: class Main

You have to add the library in your classpath. If you use maven or gradle you can simply add it as a dependency.

As said above, you need to add the Jackson library before you can import it in your project. If you have a maven project, simply visit the library page Jackson-databind repo. page and copy/paste the XML into your .POM file.

Otherwise, if it is a regular java project, use to Ctr+Alt+Shift+S to visit project structure on IntelliJ IDEA, click on libraries, and then click + to add groupId, artifactId, VersionId in the text input popup. See the example below. Manually add the library

Note that versionID may differ depending on when you visit the page

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