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Error while deploying app on Google App Engine

I am getting an error while deploying my app on google app engine:

Error 404: --- begin server output ---
This application does not exist (project_id=u'prob2'). To create an App Engine application in this project, run "gcloud beta app create" in your console.
--- end server output ---
2017-03-10 17:13:05 (Process exited with code 1)

I have tried every possible solution I found on the internet but of no use. Please help me!

Can you try running: gcloud app describe --project prob2

Depending on the result - you may just need to try what it's asking you to do....

gcloud config set project prob2
gcloud app create

Let us know what happens!

You need first to create your project from the google developer console app in the web with your unique full project id.

After that you need to fill the project location of deployment only after you finish that you can deploy it thru googlelaunchapp

similar error occurred to me while deploying the app. i am assuming you have already setup a google cloud project on Google's Developer Console with a project id. Now to deploy the app, you need to install and initialize Google Cloud SDK. Here is the link to Google Cloud SDK Documentation. You should be able to deploy the app now. (bash deploy.sh project id)

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