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URL memory leak

Instruments shows that these lines of code cause memory leaks, what am I doing wrong?

   required init(data: JSON) {
        self.type = data["type"].stringValue
        self.name = data["name"].stringValue
        self.numberOfRestaraunts = data["length"].intValue
        self.isFavourited = data["isFavourited"].boolValue
        self.image = URL(string: data["img"].stringValue)! //<- this
        self.id = data["id"].stringValue
        self.headerImage = URL(string: data["header"].stringValue)! //<- this
        if data["colorSchema"].stringValue == "Dark" {
            self.colorTheme = .dark
        } else {
            self.colorTheme = .light
        self.color = data["color"].stringValue
        self.metaScore = data["metaScore"].intValue
        self.typeMetaScore = data["typeMetaScore"].int ?? 0

It actually shows, that leaks are NSURL class.

EDIT: Screenshots:

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

You are force unwrapping the optional objects. Try to change the line self.image = URL(string: data["img"].stringValue)! to

if let url = URL(string: data["img"].stringValue) {
   self.image = url

and this self.headerImage = URL(string: data["header"].stringValue)! line to

if let url = URL(string: data["header"].stringValue) {
   self.headerImage = url

Force unwrapping is not a good practice, you should avoid it when possible. Hope this helps!

Could you try this?

if let image_url = URL(string: data["img"].stringValue)
    self.image = image_url

...and this too...

if let header_url = URL(string: data["header"].stringValue)
    self.headerImage = image_url

Could you chech if JSON type subscript returns an Optional ?

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