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Routing issues with custom route in Codeigniter

My controller structure (api is the folder inside controller)


In my routes.php

$route['api/(\d+)\.(\d+)']          = "api/Api_$1_$2";
$route['api/(\d+)\.(\d+)/(:any)']   = "api/Api_$1_$2/$3";

The routing strategy i need is, if /api/2.0 is specified it will point to controller file Api_2_0.php

ie. api/ x . y points to file Api_ x _ y .php

Everything working fine with above routing but below is my issue:

https://www.example.com/api/2.0/photos/1234567890 // not working

https://www.example.com/api/2.0/photos // working

How to solve ?

As mentioned in a comment you should change the order.

But you should also change (:any) to (.*). (:any) would only match first segment of your url.

So correct way would be:

$route['api/(\d+)\.(\d+)/(.*)']   = "api/api_$1_$2/$3";
$route['api/(\d+)\.(\d+)']        = "api/api_$1_$2";

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