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pip not found after installation

I installed 'pip' on python, after it tells me that I don't have pip: 在此处输入图片说明

Here it tells me that the installation was ok:


But then I'm trying to install this:


but it tells me:


Why 'pip' not found?

EDIT: a picture for Lewis's answer :


Screenshot number 5: 在此处输入图片说明

Seems that the script is being run from the wrong place. Try to run it from the regular terminal. Remember to get higher privilege,or pip may fail.

If you have easy_install installed try running: sudo easy_install pip in your terminal and restarting PyCharm.

I see you are using an old version of Python (or at least have it installed). Try running pip3 install name_of_package if you are looking to install through python 3.

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