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Filter custom message from Visual Studio 2015 output window

At some point in the last couple of months, a lot of message along the lines of

Event 7 was called with 5 argument(s) , but it is defined with 6 paramenter(s).
Event 10 was called with 5 argument(s) , but it is defined with 6 paramenter(s).
Event 10 was called with 5 argument(s) , but it is defined with 6 paramenter(s).

started spamming my Visual Studio output window making it hard to find actual trace and debug messages. Where are these messages coming from, and how do I disable them?

To try to solve this problem, I have tried several things.

  • Most of the answers point to configuring the checkboxes in the output window. If I uncheck "Program Output" the problem messages go away, but so do the messages I want to keep.
  • I tried creating a custom TraceListener and set a breakpoint in the Write and WriteLine methods in the hopes that the call stack would tell me where the messages were being generated from. I discovered that these messages are not coming from the typical Diagnotics.Debug or Diagnotics.Trace methods.
  • I tried redirecting the console via Console.SetOut() to a custom TextWriter that I could set breakpoints within. Again, I could not find anything.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ive found the assembly this string is coming from, but not yet how or where.

It is found in mscorlib.dll line 54673 in the raw dll (32 bit version): Event {0} was called with {1} argument(s) , but it is defined with {2} paramenter(s)

Its from the resource name value pairs, this one is named EventSource_EventParametersMismatch

This is being used from system\\diagnostics\\eventing\\eventsource.cs WriteToAllListeners https://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/diagnostics/eventing/eventsource.cs,7c04b58f26d81951

As @Sinatr helpfully mentioned in his comment, this can be caused by several different system configurations which I did not find information on during my initial search. In particular, more information can be found at the following links:

In my situation, the culprit appears to be the combination of Application Insights and Stackify Prefix as documented in the StackOverflow question linked above .

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