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Select distinct column value when multiple clauses on other columns are satisfied

I want to select distinct values of a column, with the additional clause that the multiple rows for that value should satisfy all criteria (amongst them).

For example, in the below table I want to say: "Distinct Name where key=1 AND value=2 AND key=2 AND value=2 ".

This should return "valid" only. "invalid1" fails because although it satisfies the first criteria, no other row satisfies the other criteria. "invalid2" fails because it satisfies neither criteria.

id         Name      Key       Value
======   =========   ====   ===========
1           valid     1          2
2           valid     2          2
3          invalid1   1          2
4          invalid2   1          3

Use group by with having . The conditions in having are treated as booleans and return 1 for true and 0 for false.

select name
from t
group by name
having sum(key=1 and value=2)=1 and sum(key=2 and value=2)=1

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