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React Router v4 Redirect not working

I have a route which redirects after checking a condition like this

<Route exact path="/" render={()=>(
Store.isFirstTime ? <Redirect to="intro" /> : <Home state={Store}/>)}/>

The url changes when the condition is true but the component is not mounted. The rest of the component code is as below.

render() {
    return (
        <Route exact path="/" render={()=>(
          Store.isFirstTime ? <Redirect to="intro" /> : <Home state={Store} />         
        )} />
        <Route path="/intro" render={()=>(<IntroWizard state={Store.userInfo}/>)} />
        <Route path="/home" render={()=>(<Home state={Store}/>)} />
        <Route render={()=>(<h1>404 Not Found</h1>)} />
        <Footer />

My App Component is contained with in the BrowserRouter like thi


when I hit the url directly in the browser like 'localhost:3000/intro' component is mounted successfully, but when it goes through the redirect it doesn't display the component. How do I fix it?


So one detail was missing and I tried creating another project to reproduce the issue. My App component is a observer from mobx-react and it is exported as shown below

let App = observer(class App { ... })
export default App

I have created this repo with a sample code to reproduce the issue you can use it https://github.com/mdanishs/mobxtest/

So when Components are wrapped into mobx-react observer the redirect is not working else it works fine

The asker posted an issue on GitHub, and got this apparently unpublished hidden guide (edit: now published ) that helped me out too. I'm posting it here because I ran into the same problem and want others to avoid our pain.

The problem is that mobx-react and react-redux both supply their own shouldComponentUpdate() functions that only check for prop changes, but react-router sends state down through the context. When the location changes, it doesn't change any props, so it doesn't trigger an update.

The way around this is to pass the location down as a prop. The above guide lists several ways to do that, but the easiest is to just wrap the container with the withRouter() higher order component:

export default withRouter(observer(MyComponent))

or, for redux:

export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponent))

You should render only Redirect in your render method:

render() {
  return (<Redirect to="/" />);

but here is my favorite solution without using the Redirect component

  1. import import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
  2. export default withRouter(MyComponent);
  3. Finally, in your action method, assume that handlingButtonClick
handlingButtonClick = () => {
  this.props.history.push("/") //doing redirect here.

我对<Redirct />有问题,最后我发现<Redirect />必须不在<Switch></Switch>标签内。

Be careful when composing the Router with other components like translation providers, theme providers, etc .. After some time I found that your App has to be strictly wrapped by the Router, like this:

<Provider store={store}>
  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      namespaces={['Common', 'Rental']}
        <App />

Hope this helps somebody

You're missing a / in front of intro

<Route exact path="/" render={()=>(
  Store.isFirstTime ? <Redirect to="/intro" /> : <Home state={Store} />         
)} />

you can try this way like:

first: import "withRouter" to component like this:

import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";

then at the end of your component export compoenent like this:

export default withRouter(VerifyCode);

and then you can add this code to your function:

 verify(e) {
    // after sever get 200

good luck

  const App = ({history}) =>{

  return history.push('/location')  }

Add "exact" in order to redirect 👍

Example :

   <Route exact path="/">
      <Redirect to="/home" />

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