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React Router V4 isnt working properly

I am making a web application in which iI want to display the details of the user when clicked on them in the same page using routers. here is my index.js page

window.React = React;

</div>, document.getElementById('react-container'))

This is my App.js Page

class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return (

                    <Route path="/" component={Side}>

                    <Route exact path="/" component={Home}/>
                    <Route path="/user-lists" component={Table}>





export default App

this is my users page

export default class Table extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.columns = [
                name: "ID",
                key: "id"
            }, {
                name: "Name",
                key: "name"
            }, {
                name: "Username",
                key: "username"
            }, {
                name: "Email",
                key: "email"
            }, {
                name: "Website",
                key: "website"

        this.maxItems = 5; 

    state = {
        pgNo: 0,
        table: [],
        isFetching: true,

    componentDidMount() {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(res => {
                this.setState({table: res, isFetching: false});



    render() {
        return this.state.isFetching
            ? (
                    marginLeft: "50%"
                    <img src="/assets/index.svg"/>
            : (

                <MyTable pgNo ={this.state.pgNo}
                         maxItems = {this.maxItems}


Here is my Sidebar.js page

export const Side = () => 

<aside className="main-sidebar sidebar-dark-primary elevation-4">

    <a href="#" className="brand-link">
        <span className="brand-text font-weight-light">Dashboard</span>

    <div className="sidebar">

        <div className="user-panel mt-3 pb-3 mb-3 d-flex">
            <div className="image"></div>
            <div className="info">
                <a href="#" className="d-block">Irtaza</a>

        <nav className="mt-2">
        <li><Link  to='/'>Home</Link></li>&nbsp;
        <li><Link  to='/posts'><Fausers /> Posts  </Link></li>&nbsp;
        <li><Link  to='/user-lists'><Fafile/> Users </Link></li>&nbsp;
        <li><Link  to='*'><Fatimes/> Whoops 404 </Link></li>




And finally this is my table.js page

export default class MyTable extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            currentPage: this.props.pgNo,
           details : [],
    id: null
        this.MaxPages = 0;


    PrevButton() {

        if (this.state.currentPage === 0) {
            return (null);
        } else {
            return (
                    float: "left"
                    { () => { this.setState({ currentPage: this.state.currentPage - 1 }) } }>
                    Previous Page


    NextButton() {
        if (this.state.currentPage === this.MaxPages - 1) {
            return (null);
        } else {
            return (

                    float: "right"
                    onClick={() => {
                        currentPage: this.state.currentPage + 1
                    Next Page
                </button >

    createTable = () => {

        let tableHeader = <thead>
                {this.props.columns.map(column => {
                        return <th key={column.name}>

        this.state.number = this.state.number + 1;
        let tableRows = [];
        for (let i = this.state.currentPage * this.props.maxItems; (i < (this.state.currentPage + 1) * this.props.maxItems) && (i <= this.props.data.length); i++) {

            this.state.id= i + 1;          

         let row = <Link to={{
            pathname: `/user-lists/details(/${i+1})`


          <tr key={i}>
                    .map(column => {
                        this.state.id= i + 1; 
                        return (
                            <td key={column.key}>



        for (let i = 0; i <= Math.ceil(this.props.data.length / this.props.maxItems); i++) {
            this.MaxPages = i;


        let tableBody = <tbody>{tableRows}</tbody>;
        return <table>{tableHeader}{tableBody}

    render() {

        return (
            <div className="col-md-6">
                <div className="container-fluid">
                        className="table table-bordered"
                        marginLeft: "70%",
                        marginRight: "5%"



Every time I click on a Link in sidebar.js it redirects me to the new link but does not render anything also it gives me an error "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" I dont know what i am doing wrong. Feel free to point out any mistakes you see.

Firstly , In order for Link to work correctly, it needs to Receive the Router Props but since its rendered as a Route, it doesn't receive any props.

Secondly all routes are defined as children to Side , but they are never rendered in the Side component

You would write your components like


class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
                <Route component={Side}>
                    <Route exact path="/" component={Home}/>
                    <Route path="/user-lists" component={Table}>
                    <Route path="*" component={NotFound}/>

export default App

and Side.js

export const Side = (props) => (

    <aside className="main-sidebar sidebar-dark-primary elevation-4">

        <a href="#" className="brand-link">
            <span className="brand-text font-weight-light">Dashboard</span>

        <div className="sidebar">

            <div className="user-panel mt-3 pb-3 mb-3 d-flex">
                <div className="image"></div>
                <div className="info">
                    <a href="#" className="d-block">Irtaza</a>

            <nav className="mt-2">
            <li><Link  to='/'>Home</Link></li>&nbsp;
            <li><Link  to='/posts'><Fausers /> Posts  </Link></li>&nbsp;
            <li><Link  to='/user-lists'><Fafile/> Users </Link></li>&nbsp;
            <li><Link  to='*'><Fatimes/> Whoops 404 </Link></li>





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