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React router v4 breadcrumbs

I am trying to implement React Router Breadcrumbs for v4

Following are my routes:

    const routes = {
      '/': 'Home',
      '/page1': 'Page 1',
      '/page2': 'Page 2'

I could put the breadcrumbs using this library in my application, however I am having following questions:

Que. #1:

When I click on Home in my breadcrumbs, I can see the URL changes to http://localhost:8080 However, browser still shows the same page I am on.

Que. #2:

When I navigate to Page2 from Page1, url changes from http://localhost:8080/page1 to http://localhost:8080/page2 .

So the breadcrumbs shown changes to Home / Page 2 instead of changing like Home / Page 1 / Page 2

I know this may be because the url just has /page2 after hostname. But, can I achieve the display like: Home / Page 1 / Page 2 ?

Below is the code in my main App.jsx :

    <Link to="/"><div className="routerStyle"><Glyphicon glyph="home" /></div></Link>
    <Route exact path="/" component={LandingPage}/>
    <Route path="/page1" component={Page1}/>
    <Route path="/page2" component={Page2}/>

and if I use like belowto cater for breadcrumbs, then my page2 gets rendered below page1 stuff:

        <Link to="/"><div className="routerStyle"><Glyphicon glyph="home" /></div></Link>
        <Route exact path="/" component={LandingPage}/>
        <Route path="/page1" component={Page1}/>
        <Route path="/page1/page2" component={Page2}/>


Que. #1: No need to wrap <Breadcrumbs ..../> element inside <Router> element inside each Component of application. This may be because, inclusion of <Router> element inside each Component leads to "nesting" of Router elements (note we have Router tag in landing page as well); which does not work with react router v4 .

Que. #2: Refer to answer formally marked here (answered by palsrealm below)

Your breadcrumbs are based on links and they work as designed. To display the pages, you need to set up a Switch with Route s in it which would load the appropriate components when the path changes. Something like

    <Route path='/' component={Home}/>
    <Route path='/page1' component={Page1}/>
    <Route path='/page2' component={Page2}/>

If you want the breadcrumb to show Home/Page1/Page2 your routes should be '/page1/page2' : 'Page 2' . The Route should also change accordingly.

Edit: Your Router should be

        <Link to="/"><div className="routerStyle"><Glyphicon glyph="home" /></div></Link>
        <Route exact path="/" component={LandingPage}/>
        <Route exact path="/page1" component={Page1}/>
        <Route path="/page1/page2" component={Page2}/>

This can also be accomplished with a HOC which would allow you to use a route config object to set breadcrumbs instead. I've open-sourced it here , but the source code is below as well:


import React from 'react';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { withBreadcrumbs } from 'withBreadcrumbs';

const UserBreadcrumb = ({ match }) =>
  <span>{match.params.userId}</span>; // use match param userId to fetch/display user name

const routes = [
  { path: 'users', breadcrumb: 'Users' },
  { path: 'users/:userId', breadcrumb: UserBreadcrumb},
  { path: 'something-else', breadcrumb: ':)' },

const Breadcrumbs = ({ breadcrumbs }) => (
    {breadcrumbs.map(({ breadcrumb, path, match }) => (
      <span key={path}>
        <NavLink to={match.url}>

export default withBreadcrumbs(routes)(Breadcrumbs);


import React from 'react';
import { matchPath, withRouter } from 'react-router';

const renderer = ({ breadcrumb, match }) => {
  if (typeof breadcrumb === 'function') { return breadcrumb({ match }); }
  return breadcrumb;

export const getBreadcrumbs = ({ routes, pathname }) => {
  const matches = [];

    .replace(/\/$/, '')
    .reduce((previous, current) => {
      const pathSection = `${previous}/${current}`;

      let breadcrumbMatch;

      routes.some(({ breadcrumb, path }) => {
        const match = matchPath(pathSection, { exact: true, path });

        if (match) {
          breadcrumbMatch = {
            breadcrumb: renderer({ breadcrumb, match }),
          return true;

        return false;

      if (breadcrumbMatch) {

      return pathSection;

  return matches;

export const withBreadcrumbs = routes => Component => withRouter(props => (
        pathname: props.location.pathname,

The following component should return a breadcrumb at any depth, except on the home page (for obvious reasons). You won't need React Router Breadcrumb . My first public contribution, so if I'm missing an essential part, it would be great if somebody could point it out. I added &raquo; for crumbs splits, but you can obviously update that to match what you need.

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom'
// styles

// replace underscores with spaces in path names
const formatLeafName = leaf => leaf.replace('_', ' ')

// create a path based on the leaf position in the branch
const formatPath = (branch, index) => branch.slice(0, index + 1).join('/')

// output the individual breadcrumb links
const BreadCrumb = props => {
  const { leaf, index, branch } = props,
    leafPath = formatPath(branch, index),
    leafName = index == 0 ? 'home' : formatLeafName(leaf),
    leafItem =
      index + 1 < branch.length 
        ? <li className="breadcrumbs__crumb">
          <Link to={leafPath}>{leafName}</Link>
          <span className="separator">&raquo;</span>
        : <li className="breadcrumbs__crumb">{leafName}</li>
  // the slug doesn't need a link or a separator, so we output just the leaf name

  return leafItem

const BreadCrumbList = props => {
  const path = props.match.url,
    listItems =
      // make sure we're not home (home return '/' on url)
      path.length > 1
      && path
        // create an array of leaf names
        // send our new array to BreadCrumb for formating
        .map((leaf, index, branch) => 
          <BreadCrumb leaf={leaf} index={index} branch={branch} key={index} />

  // listItem will exist anywhere but home
  return listItems && <ul className="breadcrumbs">{listItems}</ul>

const BreadCrumbs = props => 
  <Route path="/*" render={({ match }) => <BreadCrumbList match={match} />} />

export default BreadCrumbs

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