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Converting .py file to exe with cx_Freeze

It was converting my .py file to .exe file perfectly fine before, but somehow now it is showing the following errors:

WARNING: Tried to load multiple incompatible Qt wrappers. Some incorrect files may be copied.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setmeup.py", line 5, in
executables = [Executable("SciKit-Play-GUI.py")])

followed by some errors in cx_Freeze files in my directory...... Please HELP!

to convert a .py in exe you can use py2exe

use this command to compile :

setup.py py2exe

here is the setup.py file

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os


    name = "...",
    version = '1.0',
    description = "...",
    author = "...",
    windows = [{'script': 'test.py'#, 'icon_resources': [(1, 'icon.ico')]
    zipfile = None,
    options = {
        'py2exe': {
            'bundle_files': 3,      
            'compressed': True, 

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