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Rails find object id on has_many association

I'm trying to get the transaction id associated with the current_user but rails shos this error below


ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Transaction with id=92 [WHERE "transactions"."user_id" = 24])

iv'e tried use where and just the transaction and with a conditional comparing the transaction.user_id with the current_user.id but show error!

someone have any hint about this kind of issue?

model user

user has_many transactions

model transaction 

transaction belongs to user

transaction controller

def new
@transaction = Transaction.new

def create

@transaction = Transaction.build_user


def show

@transaction = current_user.transactions.find(params[:id])


As many pointed in comments build_user does indeed create a new User instance (without saving it). Furthermore I believe build_user is not a class method but an instance method instead. Therefore Transaction.build_user should be raising 'undefined method' exception. Also, build_user returns a User instance, so even if you're code was @transaction = Transaction.new.build_user @transaction would be a newly created User instance.

And again, what others already pointed out in comments, your transaction wouldn't necessarily be associated to the current_user for you to fetch it like this in subsequent calls during the same session, rather, and supposing you properly built and saved the user, you would need to login as this 'new user' in order to.

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