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Converting a python lookahead assertion regex to valid Golang

I have the following regex that works well in Python (due to lookahead assertions).

some_list = re.findall('^(?=Name:)(.*?)(?=USB\\ Device\\ Filters:)', myinput, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)

See example of myinput in the code block below.

Name: will always be the beginning of a group and USB Device Filters: will always be the end of a group. Not all lines have a valid key:value, eg, can have or a blank line.

Name:            Server1
Groups:          /
Guest OS:        Ubuntu (64-bit)
USB Device Filters:

Name:            Server2
Groups:          /
Guest OS:        Debian (64-bit)
USB Device Filters:

Can anyone help me convert this into a valid Golang regex?

The ultimate goal is to parse myinput and get a slice of matched groups.

Given this in Python:

^(?=Name:)(.*?)(?=USB Device Filters:)


Since ^(?=Name:) is a zero width assertion, Name: is captured by the capturing groups following it.

You can capture the same in Golang with this:

^(Name:.*?)USB Device Filters:


If you don't want to capture Name:\\s you can do:

^Name:\s*(.*?)USB Device Filters:


You don't need to escape the spaces with (?=USB\\ Device\\ Filters:) in either language. All have (?ms) flags set.

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